I apologize in advance to those who don't live in Utah. But to those who do ... have I got an opportunity for you!
In January 2012, a little book written by a little author from our fair little state will be released. Her name's Brodi Ashton. Ever heard of her? Yeah, apparently she's also sometimes referred to as #1 Crazy by her loving crit group. Anyway, Brodi's got this little book coming out next January called EVERNEATH. Here's the blurb of it I stole from her blog:
EVERNEATH is partially based on the Greek myth of Persephone: a 17-year-old who's been banished to the underworld escapes to her former earthly existence with her family and boyfriend. The catch is that she only has six months in the real world before being sent back to Hades, this time forever.
Sounds interesting right? Yeah, I thought so too. Well, when this tweet came through my timeline:

I replied and asked Brodi if she'd considered doing an arc tour. More specifically, a locals arc tour just because there are so many writers and book bloggers here and maybe we could stretch one arc a bit further. Some gears started cranking, someone was *ahem* volunteered ... and Huzzah!
If you are a writer / book blogger and are interested in an opportunity to read EVERNEATH before it's released, here's your chance! Brodi's generously offered to donate an arc to the cause and this copy of EVERNEATH will be getting a grand tour of Utah, via bloggers.
There will be some fine print details to come around regarding reviews and time you can keep the book, etc, but if you're interested, please email me at windy.aphayrath (at) gmail (dot) com or leave a comment below with your name, email and city so I can start the organizing!
Also, Brodi's going to be at the Utah Book Bloggers Social on Saturday, March 5th. You can get my contact information from her there also!
UPDATE (12:12 pm): Please make sure you are leaving me an email address or some way of contacting you if you leave your info in the comments below. If your profile isn't setup for email responses, I have no way to reach you and won't be able to add you to the list!
I just have to say that Brodi is absolutely amazing, and I am so excited for her book to come out.
I am lucky enough to have gotten a picture with her at LTUE, and I posted it here. She looks fabulous in her red scarf.
Well, you already know I want on the list, since I sort of butted in to your twitter convo the other day. ha ha! ;) So make sure I'm on the list!
I'm so down with this. Way to step up and take charge girl!
sprtygal 10 at aol dot com
I'm in Provo
Totally count me in Windy! In fact, I think this is such a great idea I think you should just go ahead and be in charge of an arc tour for ALL local authors! Huzzah!
Well, at least Brodi's lucky to have you and your brilliant idea on HER tour.
I would love to be on the list! I'm a writer and a blogger (though not a book blogger). Brodi's novel sounds fascinating!
Shallee McArthur
shallee.mcarthur [at] gmail [dot] com
I would love to be on the list as well. Ambishop19@hotmail.com
I would love to be on the list!
I'm in Farmington:)
Please count me in! I love Brodi's writing and I can't wait for Everneath to be published.
me (at) jennielyse (dot) com
I'm in Provo.
Put me on the list! I can't wait to read Brodi's book.
I'm in Twin Falls, Idaho--which (I'm compelled to point out) is closer to SLC than, say, St. George.
Also, my parents and all my siblings still live in the Salt Lake area.
If I pretend I live at my parents' house, can I play, too?
darn! I won't be able to make it to the social this saturday but would LOVE to be added to the list! my e-mail is thebookbluff@gmail.com I love brodi and can't wait to read her book!
Also (and this is no matter what you decide on the geography question) I make a mean spreadsheet. You want me to make one to help you keep track of everyone?
Really--thanks for doing this. Brodi deserves every bit of it.
cardinal_law_76 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I'd love to read Brodi's book. She is so funny and awesome, her book just has to be too. Your great to organize this. So anyway - I read fast and I'd be glad to read it do a review and pass it on.
I would love to read Brodi's book! She nad I were on the journalism staff together way back when (junior high) and today she just rocks!
I'm in!!
I'm in Herriman.
Thanks again for doing this, Windy. And thanks to everyone for the awesome comments!
It wasn't that long ago that I would've paid someone to read my work, so to have friends who want to read it for free... it's a dream come true.
Yay! I would love to do this!
Karen Krueger
in Provo.
I'd love to participate in this too.
Let me know, Windy.
Pick me! Pick me!
I've always been a huge fan of Greek mythology (one of my favorite songs is Persephone's Dream) so I'm super excited to read this book!
Contact info:
Kate Coursey
Just let me know!
Oh dude. Do me a solid fav, Windy. I'd DIE to get my hands on that! ;)
BTW, email me and tell me how things are. It's been a while since we talked.
I adore Brodi & would love to be a part of this!
My email is:
My blog is:
Of course I want to participate!!!
Suey at It's All About Books
jenstusue AT yahoo DOT com
from Orem
Will you be at the party Saturday? If so, see you there.
I can't wait to read this. I'd love to be on that list.
heidsjohnson at gmail
in Lehi
Hm...well, I'll throw in my bid for the tour, though I may not live in Utah when the ARCs arrive.
melissa @ 1lbr
Orem (for now)
Sweet!I've been dying to read this book for several years. The wait has been TORTURE. I knew living in Utah would pay off. :)
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