Thursday, August 27, 2009

Fun Times!

I recently had a chance to meet two of my online writer friends! After some finagling of schedules and some kid wrangling, I was able to meet Elana and Suzette for lunch (all of us with our girl kidlets in tow - blurred for privacy).

Elana and Suzette are exactly the same as online! What you see / read and what you get are it. I loved the chance to meet with a couple great people who "feel my pain" of being a writer in search of publication. And I'm glad that we live close enough to each other that we can hang out.

That leads me to the question of online personalities. Are you really you online? If not, why not?

I have to admit, I try to be myself online, but my writer personality is a little different than the one I maintain at my day job. The worlds are just very different, but I like to think that I am still me. I don't know, I guess we'd have to ask Elana and Suzette if I was different! ;-)

Thanks for a great time girls! Looking forward to another lunch date!


Elana Johnson said...

You're totally the same. I don't know what you're like at work, but your "lunch self" was just like your "online/writing self." :)

Angie said...

Soooo jealous. I love Suzette and Elana. Love to meet you too some time!