Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stuck.... Yes, Again

I've been in Revision Hell.

Am currently to the point where I've pretty much stopped revising and, as many of you probably noticed, have taken up farming. My 4-yo kidlet is highly supportive of this. She's the one who says (as soon as I walk into the house after work), "Mommy, we need to check our farm! I need to go collect strawberry milk from my pink cow!" And yes, she speaks in exclamations. Much like she only has 1 volume and it is not an inside voice.

Those have become my priorities of late.

And my brain must be fried. I don't even know what to blog about. Maybe I'll just go check on my crops.


Stephanie said...

Stepping away from a project for a while helps...immensely. Hope it helps you! This is the perfect time of year to get wrapped up (literally!) in things other than writing or editing! Good luck!

Unknown said...

I never know what to blog about... But I do agree that stepping away and taking a break from a project can be very helpful! Maybe that's all you need and think of all that quality farming time you're getting with your 4yr old! (Mine prefers feeding the fish in fishville. And yes, he only has one volume, too.)

Bethany Wiggins said...

Give your revisions time. I can promise you that all of a sudden a solution will come and you'll see the revising light. Writing seems to have a funny way of working itself out while you're not even thinking about it!

Stephanie McGee said...


I'm sure I'm not helping the farming thing...

Anonymous said...

Sometimes, a project just needs time and distance before you can see it with the right eyes. A different project is sometimes helpful. For me, it was simply time. I needed time before I could see where I needed to be. That's hard. Wishing you luck.

Elana Johnson said...

I feel ya. How do you think my farm got so big so fast?

You'll find your way through this hellish place. We have ginger ale at the end.

:) *hugs*