In the beginning . . .
Yesterday's quote = good lead in to current thoughts.
Round and round and round we go, where's the beginning? None of us know.
I'm in the midst of revising a finished wip right now, but have been on the Beginnings Carousel in regards to a couple other projects I'm working on.
I write as scenes appear in my head. This is a bit of a chaotic, A.D.D. sort of process, but my brain just doesn't work sequentially when applied to writing. I don't know why. I'm usually 2/3 of the way through before it becomes clear what should be on that first page.
How about you guys? Do you just KNOW what's supposed to be on that first page from the get go? Does it come to you later?
Often the beginnings come to me while the idea is still stewing. However, sometimes I write the beginning and decide that I don't like it. It's about the same with everything else in the story.
I always start with the beginning, but sometimes I wish I didn't. I know my characters so well by the end of the book, I almost want to go back at that point and rewrite the beginning to make it stronger.
I'm sequential for sure but that's only because I'm too OCD to do it any other way. When I tried to do it another way, my brain got too mad and it was faster to just let it have its way.
I don't think there's any wrong way to do it though. If it's working for you, it's working and that's the important thing!
I start at what I think is the beginning, but that may change later. In fact it did change on my current WIP and I love it now. Good luck on finding your beginning.
It sounds like most of you are pretty sequential. I applaud that. I envy that. I wish I knew what happened next, but that's such a rarity! And as LT said, run with what works for ya, everyone has their own style.
Nope. I'm a scattered mess. But once I write the beginning, it rarely changes.
I love coming to your blog Windy. The design is so pretty and relaxing :)
Usually I always have my beginnings and a good chunk of the ends. It's that whole middle thing that drives me insane. :)
Good luck!
I always start at the very beginning. A very good place start. When you read . . .
Oops! Why do I have a sudden craving for The Sound of Music?
Seriously, I do start at the beginning and keep going to the end for the first draft. After that, I'm all over the place with my edits.
I usually start with the beginning, but that almost always changes down the road. It's just a jumping point for the rest of the novel. Good luck with yours!
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