Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Keep Going and Going

This week's quote is all about finding your way to accomplishing your goals. The thing Mr. Thoreau does not tell you, is that there is no map to getting there. Everyone seems to pass mostly the same landmarks, but no two people truly follow the same map, same paths, same steps.

All of us have heard the success stories out there of never-before-published-writers who made it big their first time out, but that's not the path that everyone gets to take.

Another thought to consider, is the speed at which one races to those goals. There are people who move at a constant break-neck, fighter-jet pace, while others are more deliberate and checking before re-checking that all is well before they move on. To each his own, there is something to be said about pace, but when it comes down to it, we're all trying to get to the same place. And one of the hardest things to remember is that no matter how discouraged you may get, you have to just keep going.

So whichever direction you may be going, just keep going.

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