Wednesday, June 3, 2009

WiP Wednesday and a BIG FAT Thank You

A few weeks back (I believe we're at 7 now) ElanaJ over at Mindless Musings threw down the gauntlet, challenging writers to accomplish their goals in regards to ongoing projects. These goals ranged anywhere from writing 500 new words per day to revising a chapter a week. At first it was simply a 30 day challenge, but the community that's been built from that throw down has been amazing.

So today, instead of just focusing on my wips today, I wanted to throw something else out there:
For your encouragement and your kudos. For you kind words and continued motivation. And simply for letting me know I'm not alone in my frustrations or inspirations. Simply put, Thank You!

Now that I've had my emotional moment out of the way, let's get on to a WiP Wednesday update.

Just Maybe:
Finishing final revisions now and hope to begin querying soon. Maybe. You know, after I've coached myself mentally to prepare for the worst and accept that rejection is part of life. I know, think positive, but I'm too pragmatic for that.

With much support and encouragement I'm currently just over 45,000 words. I'm thinking this ms should be closer to 60,000, so I'm almost there. That is about a 20K word gain in the last 7 weeks.

This is the newest/latest project that was resurrected from the vast beyond of my "Things I've Started But Couldn't Figure Out Where They're Going So They Are Going To Live Here For A While Until They Find Some Direction" folder. I had a very exciting revelation on this towards the end of my day at work yesterday that culminated in a stack of post-it notes that have since turned into a psuedo-outline. I don't normally work from an outline until I'm about 40-60K words in depending on how long the project may end up being, but this one just came at me. Initial inspiration? A certain scene in the movie 30 Days of Night. Mind you, movie is not exactly Oscar-worthy material, but it does have Josh Hartnett and he is cute. But from this specific scene, I've been trying to figure out what to do with it, it just wouldn't leave my head. As of yesterday afternoon, I now know what to do with it. And I'm super excited!

So again, thank you for listening, er, reading my rants and updates. I appreciate each and every one of you!

P.S. I hope I haven't sounded too cheesy-peasy, but with my new inspiration, I just thought I'd reach out to some of those who have helped me get to this awesome new place in my writing. You all rock!


Eric said...

Huge Congrats! I am so very proud of you, because this is really alot of work accomplished. I honestly wish I had been able to maintain the level of determination you have, but this post may just be what I need to get my butt back in gear. So thanks.

Elana Johnson said...

Oooh, I like the new blog. And you've made some amazing progress! Way to go! You can query. You'll be great! Go for it!

Michelle D. Argyle said...

Congrats on your progress, Windy! I love the new look of your blog. It's very sleek. Keep up the great work with your writing. It surely is inspiring! Isn't this writing community just awesome!?

Lynnette Labelle said...

That's great! Keep up the good work.

Lynnette Labelle

P.S. I'm glad to hear your kids are readers, too. :)