Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Early No More

Today, in an effort to add efficiency and cross extra things off my to do list, I made it a point to show up to work early. What happens? My laptop won't work in the docking station. We fix that. Then what? My mouse and keyboard won't link up.

Now even though it sounds like I'm totally whining, I'm not. I swear. I'm just making the observation that I should not attempt to come in early to do more as it always works out that I end up doing less.

Moving on. Today's going to be mucho random. There are just a few things on my mind.

Firstly, Elizabeth Scott, author of Bloom, Perfect You, and Something, Maybe is having a contest on her blog to get a a couple ARCs and several other YA books. I've enjoyed Elizabeth Scott's books and am making sure I'm in on this contest!

Secondly, the hubby and I watched parts of the NCAA b-ball champs last night. MSU v. UNC. Mind you, I'm not a huge sports fan, so it may not seem like much, but throughout the game I was bored. The point difference was too significant to warrant getting really into it. I like the clinchers, the games where you don't know who's going to win until the very last seconds and even then it isn't clear who is going to take it. (Like the Kansas game last year.) But nonetheless, Congrats to the Tarheels! Great job!
Thirdly, Twitter. I know, its just another one of those websites, but I really love Twitter. I accepted it when people mocked me for joining another site. I smiled and kept my "I told you so's" to myself (well mostly) when they all jumped on the bandwagon with me. And I moseyed along when I would catch the big white whale telling me Twitter was overcapacity. I was starry-eyed and in new website love. Then yesterday. The Twitter-monster (relation of the Dryer-sock-eating monster) began to eat my tweets. Yes, that's right. My 140-character, carefully crafted thoughts were disappearing! My friend advised we should contact the Twitter-monster and discuss if we needed to pay a Twansom for the return of our tweets, but the tweets were gone. Alas, *sigh* we were only left with the memories. The shiny, sparkle of my Twitter love is a bit faded now, but today will be a better day. As with all passions, you must take the good with the bad and work through it.

So with that said, tally-ho and away we go. Off into the sunshine. Because, yes, we have sunshine and a 70 degree high today. Rain and snow tomorrow, but let's not borrow future bother!

Have a great day!

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